Blank Screen finally fixed in AppSender v1.8 ?!?!

I have been receiving feedback from several users that AppSender still displays a blank screen with v1.7. I been trying to fix this for some time now, but was having problems reproducing this bug. Recently, I picked up a new Android device and I was able to reproduce this bug immediately. Hopefully, this is the same bug some of my users are seeing in the field....(I hope).

After a bit of debugging, I found that following code was giving an error.

List pkginfo_list = pm.getInstalledPackages(PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);

I use the PackageManager to grab a list of package installed on the device. Apparently, when there are lots of apps installed (i.e. over 200 apps), it will give the following error (in logcat).

E/JavaBinder( 2225): !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!

Since I don't really need to use the flag "GET_ACTIVITIES". So I simply changed it to the following (which should consume less memory):

List pkginfo_list = pm.getInstalledPackages(0);

Tada!! The bug is now fixed.

I have just released AppSender Version 1.8 on Android Market with this fix.

If anyone find any bugs, please feel free to report them to and I will try my best to fix it.


Sequim reunion of Hawaii expats

Dear Sequim Town visitors, real ones or cyberspace ones,
When we moved to Sequim on the Olympic Peninsula from Hawaii in January 2006, we didn't know a soul here in Sequim but that should change soon. We found lots of kindred spirits at SARC (Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center) where Keoki started teaching his Easy Stretch class - still going strong now: Mondays + Wednesdays 10:45am at Sarc for those who live in Sequim and surrounding areas - and among the big group of Hawaiian expats, people like us who had moved to Sequim from Hawaii.

Sequim home for Hawaii reunion

The Hawaiian expat group puts a reunion together twice a year, once in summer and another one in winter during the Christmas holidays. Last Saturday we all came together for our summer luau to celebrate our lives and blessings with a great Hawaiian style pot luck luau and lots of Hawaiian music by volunteers who love to play the ukulele and other instruments.

Keoki enjoys his pot luck

Hawaiian food on Keoki's plate

Hawaiian musicians at Sequim party

What would be a Hawaiian luau without the traditional Hawaii hula?! Hula teacher Mahina and her hula halau from the Sequim Senior Center danced to their own and to all the Hawaiian expats' entertainment. Just look at their smiling faces in the photos! They tell you how we all felt: loving our lives in Sequim yet enjoying great memories of our lives in Hawaii!

Sequim Senior Center hula group

Mahina with small group of hula dancers

Mahina with her hula ladies from Sequim Senior Center

Next generation hula dancers, visiting keikis from CA

Our friend Maria grandmom of hula girls from CA

We would like to thank John and Margret Mitchel who opened their beautiful Sequim home and property for all of us and made this summer Hawaii luau party a full success with their TLC. Mahalo, Margret and John!

Margret & John our most generous hosts

John the host of our Sequim reunionYou want to move to Sequim, a Sequim vacation home is the first step to learn about life in Sequim.

AppSender BETA Version 1.7 Released...

AppSender BETA Version 1.7 is now available from Android Market

The main reason for the update was to fix the "blank screen" problem reported by new users when launching AppSender.

I have found that AppSender was functioning, but was simply taking a bit of time generating initial application list for various reason (low memory, too many apps installed...etc).

To help resolve this problem, AppSender 1.7 will now display a dialog box. Probably much nicer than looking at a blank screen. Hopefully, this will help the user see progress while waiting patiently for the app to start.

The App will now display the following next to the App name. Please note Copy Protected Apps cannot be shared.
-User Installed Application: AppSender can share these apps
-Preinstalled Application: AppSender can share these apps
-Copy Protected Application: AppSender cannot share these apps

As always, if you have experienced any bugs, it would be greatly appreciated if you can contact me at Please include as much information as possible to reproduce the problem. I will try my best to fix it soon as possible.

Also feel free to send me feedback. I would love to hear your wish list and improve this app.

Have a great day!
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