The ONE Thing by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan - Book review

The ONE Thing

The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

By: Gary Keller, Jay Papasan

Published: April 1, 2013
Format:Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN-10: 1885167776
ISBN-13: 978-1885167774
Publisher: Bard Press

"Where I'd had huge success, I had narrowed my concentration to one thing,and where my success varied, my focus has too. And the light came on", write chairman of the board and cofounder of Keller Williams Realty, Inc., Gary Keller; and Vice President of Publishing at Keller Williams Realty, Inc., Jay Papasan, in their inspirational and life transforming book The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results. The authors describe how achieving real success, and reaching your goals, requires focusing on the one thing that matters the most in your career, work, or life.

Gary Keller (photo left) and Jay Papasan recognize that in today's fast paced and hectic business environment, people are stretched to the limit. Overworked and seemingly unable to make any one thing a priority, the end result is that very little gets done, goals are not met, and performance fails to meet expectations. To counter these relentless pressures to do more, and to chase an every expanding number of priorities, the authors present the alternative concept of going small. In that sense, the person focuses on the most critical task and goal, and set aside those other less important demands. The result is that more is accomplished through selective focus than by attempting to reach many goals at once.

Jay Papasan (photo left) and Gary Keller understand that by focusing time and energy on the one critical thing, that time, energy, and resources are used more effectively and efficiently. At the same time, the authors present the domino concept of how a smaller domino can knock down an even larger domino, so too can a person create the potential to utilize this force multiplier analogy in all of their tasks.

he authors guide people through the core principles of the book from the planning, to the time blocking, to the execution of The ONE Thing. The authors divide the book into three overall sections that focus on reclaiming control over a person's time, work, and life. The three parts are as follows:

* The Lies: How they mislead and derail us
* The truth: The simple path to productivity
* Extraordinary results: Unlocking the possibilities within you

For me, the power of the book is how Gary Keller and Jay Papasan combine a strong theoretical and philosophical case for pursuing The ONE Thing, with the practical exercises and techniques to put the theory into practice. Unlike many books on time management and achieving goals, this book offers more than simple suggestions. Instead, the authors present a comprehensive life changing perspective that transforms the way a person looks at their time, their goals, and their real priorities. Saving time means little if nothing is accomplished during that time, and this book returns that time to the person in the form of real achievement.

The authors also acknowledge that for many employees, other priorities may be handed to them, but instead of losing focus, the book teaches how to overcome those temporary time users. The authors are open about the challenges faced by people, both in their work and their personal lives, but the commitments and focus presented in the book transform those challenges into temporary events.

I highly recommend the performance building and real results oriented book The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, to anyone seeking a refreshing and clear vision for taking back their time, priorities, and lives with a practical set of techniques for personal and professional achievement. This book will make the idea of going small a more viable option than the false belief that person must somehow do it all.

Marcel Debord, Lou cabanou d'ou mounié/The cabin of the miller

Like the stories of so many outsider environments, what follows is a story of transcience.

Life and works

Written in Occitan, a language descendant of latin as spoken in the Roman empire and traditionally the language used in southern France, the name of this cabin refers to the former profession of its owner: operator of the mill of Rochevideau, a community located in a rural part of the Perigord

Having managed the mill for many years, Marcel Debord (1909-1994), in his early fifties got such problems with his legs that he had to decide to finish this job.

Beginning a new life, nearby the mill, around a small cabin he probably used as a workshop, he gradually covered the premises with a variety of decorative, mainly iron items and single-handedly made sculptures from concrete. 

The decorative items included horse hoes, all kinds of iron utensils and various other iron elements, like spoons and forks, decoratively attached to a concrete plate.

Debord made his sculptures from concrete, using molds. He would mainly depict small animals from the area where he grew up and where he lived, such as a snail, a pigeon, an owl, or a swan, as in the picture below. 

All together a bestiary of familiar animals...

Living alone, these small constructs may have been special to Debord. 

Les animaux poussent comme des fleurs
Il suffit de les arroser,
De les apprivoiser pour en faire des amis
Partenaire de sa solitude

The animals grow like flowers
Just sprinkle them,
Tame them, to turn them into friends
Partners of his solitude

But then Debord also has made a small number of sculptures of people, impersonations which also refer to his homeland , such as a peasant woman near a well, a fisherman, a hunter, a miller....

Debord may have been active in creating this environment for some thirty years. However, as far as I know, during his life he has got no publicity in France on a national level.

Bruno Montpied visited him in 1992, but (justly) hesitated to publish Debord's whereabouts, because of his poor health. Years later, in his Ëloge des jardins anarchiques (2011) the author has reported vividly about his visit to the site and his meeting with Debord.

Debord died in 1994 and following his death the site has been left uncared for. In 1999 a big storm, which struck down a lot of trees, has demolished most of the site too.

Documentation/more pictures
* Jean-Luc Thuilier, Arts et singuliers d'art en Périgord, Savignac-les-Églises (Ed. Gold), 2007
* Bruno Montpied, "Les cabanes du meunier Debord. Un jardinier d'outils", in: Éloge des jardins anarchiques, p. 87-93. Montreuil-sur-Bois  (l'Insomniaque), 2011
* Weblog "le blog de Thierry B."

Marcel Debord
Lou cabanou d'ou mounié
Rochevideau FR
site no longer extant

* Thierry Bucquoy and his partner Maryline live in Ligueux, in the Përigord area. Their garden Le jardin des délices, regularly houses art expositions. In his weblog Thierry writes about gardens, art, artists, and a variety of other subjects

Marketing to Millennials by Jeff Fromm & Christie Garton - Book review

Marketing to Millennials

Reach the Largest and Most Influential Generation of Consumers Ever

By: Jeff Fromm, Christie Garton

Published: July 2, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 224 pages
ISBN-10: 0814433227
ISBN-13: 978-0814433225
Publisher: AMACOM

"Businesses cannot afford to ignore the Millennials. Their collective buying power alone - an estimated $200 billion annually - is already noteworthy and will only increase as they mature into their peak earning and spending years", write Executive Vice President at Barkley, Jeff Fromm; and founder of U Chic Media, Christie Garton, in their pioneering, Millennial marketing strategy filled book Marketing to Millennials: Reach the Largest and Most Influential Generation of Consumers Ever. The authors describe the power and influence of the enormous Millennial generation, how these young customers differ from previous generations, and offer the strategies and techniques to capture these important and often misunderstood customers.

Jeff Fromm (photo left) and Christie Garton understand that despite their generational name, the Millennials are not a homogeneous group. The authors identified six distinct subgroups. That knowledge is crucial for marketers who believed a single message would resonate with this entire generation. The authors also point out, that despite their groupings, there are common traits shared by Millennials, that are very different from the predecessor Generation X.

The authors examine who the Millennials are, share new rules for marketing that brands will ignore to their peril. The also present some case studies, of companies and brands, who are attuned successfully to the new rules of engagement with the Millennial generation.

Christie Garton (photo left) and Jeff Fromm recognize the the Millennial affinity for and skill with technology is well known. As a result, the authors go far beyond that single concept and embark upon a more comprehensive guide to reaching these ethnically diverse and participation oriented consumers. The Millennials are anything but passive buyers, and instead demand to be considered partners in the products and brands withh which they participate.

The authors present a complete and well documented and researched analysis of the Millennial generation. The book includes a series of fresh marketing principles, that underline both the diversity and the similarities shared, by this fascinating and influential generation. The new marketing concepts are as follows:

* Millennials: Who are they?
* The new rules of marketing to Millennials
* Engage those early adopters of new technology
* Build a listening and participation strategy
* Make them look good among their peers
* Design a sense of fun and adventure
* Don't give them a reason to cheat on you
* Epilogue: Other key marketing ideas to know

Fr me, the power of the book is how Jeff Fromm and Christie Garton combine a comprehensive theoretical framework for marketing to the Millennial generation, with a complete and practical strategy to implement the new marketing rules that are so essential for success. The authors take a big picture perspective of the Millennial generation, and then drill down into the various aspects of how the Millennials behave in the marketplace. The key insight is the author's conclusion that Millennials demand a participative brand with which they can partner and share.

As a parent of Millennial children, Jeff Fromm brings that experience to the book. Christie Garton, as a Millennial herself, brings an internal viewpoint to the table. The authors base the irt premises on on real world research and case studies, completed with companies who have wide ranging experience will Millennials as customers. The various chapters of the book end with the key takeaways from the text and research, that can be applied readily to any marketing campaign geared toward gaining the Millennial market.

I highly recommend the insightful and research based book Marketing to Millennials: Reach the Largest and Most Influential Generation of Consumers Ever by Jeff Fromm and Christie Garton, to any business leaders, product marketers, brand managers, sales managers, entrepreneurs, and anyone else interested in engaging and collaborating with the vast and crucial Millennial market. This book shatters myths about Millennials, sweeps aside the old marketing rules, and replaces them with an engaging and participatory marketing model that will be embraced by Millennials.

Key Recommendations or Considerations for Choosing a Mobile Testing Solution

Key Recommendations or Considerations for Choosing a Mobile Testing Solution

May be the easiest way of understand the challenges of the applications testing of mobiles is to assume this staggering view → Over the 140 Android Device have been developed since the starting of 2011. The New Smart-Phones and the tablet are developed to the market on a basis of week, each with the unique form factor or the features to set. With the six big operating system from the market and an ever growing number of version, screen size, models and the network technologies, it is the virtually not possible to meet mobiles applications and the service in the sync with the ever changing trends of market.

So what is the best way the testing of Mobiles applications and the service in the today highly fragmented and dynamic natures in the market of mobiles? So such post present some keys recommendation for the building mobiles testing strategy that meet the business requirements in dynamic and divers environments of mobile.

Automation for Mobile Testing is imperative:
With the help of automation the regression and functional testing of our mobile apps, We can confirm the performance and quality of our apps on any devices, network, OS and location. Automation allow more test to be processed on the more device in the less time and with the less errors of human. The result is the decreased ALM Cycle that allow for continuous QA, easier re-creation of problem, better coverage and the substantial saving cost.

In a fragmented market, a device agnostic test approach is needed to allows enterprises to build tests case that can be easily maintainable, reused and the portable to multiple mobiles platform.

Cloud based accessibility for REAL devices of Mobiles:
Experiences show that we shall probably require to tests on up to 30 to 40 devices available in markets and replace around the 35% of those each quarter to stay up to date. This can easily change in to the logistical nightmare, specially if we are working offshore. Cloud base access to REAL handset all-eviates the cost and the logistic of procuring and managing new device (i.e. shipment, network availability, active plan, SIM's etc) as they are released. Since all devices are present and manage in the clouds, there is no require for procurement and device can be replaced or added with in a few hours as response to the market requirements. Addition to it, a cloud based approach facilitates collaboration and the activates globally distributed team to share a devices in 'Live' testing and to replicate issue for the improve troubleshooting.

Key Recommendations or Considerations for Choosing a Mobile Testing Solution
Key Recommendations or Considerations for Choosing a Mobile Testing Solution
Use of Existing ALM Resource:

Need to Remember that → On the core mobile testing is still called the software testing. So there is not require to re invent the cycle. But for the enterprises that have already made invest in the developing an ALM
infrastructure, workflow and implementing tool for training teams of QA, the goal is to preserve and the leverage these asset by extending our existing ALM frameworks to supports the testing of mobiles.

Mobiles managing, desktop and the web-applications testing through the single integrated ALM platforms, organizations can be centrally managed and track all the applications project, leverages the skill set of their team and ensure consistent workflow and process.

The integration of mobiles testing with in our existing ALM activates centralized and complete tests management and the visibility for our mobiles app. Using the single platform for manage and automate the app life-cycle help to ensures mobile quality and performance during reducing to ownership total cost.

Cloud Vs RDP | Mobile Application Testing Security of your data, Using RDP Access vs. Cloud

Cloud Vs RDP | Mobile Application Testing Security of your data, Using RDP Access vs. Storing on The Cloud

A View of The Use of RDP Access Vs. Storing on The Cloud:

Also if we do not attach with the industry of Technology, Even it has been difficult to leave the massive growth of the 'cloud'. Microsoft and Apple both are offering the cloud service and if our company use Google Drive then wen have been living with the cloud everyday. This is not the thing of confuse with the plan of city wide Wifi access as the started by the Network Operator of Wireless The Cloud. RDP stand for Remote Desktop Protocol is far to less familiar to the averages of outsider person the IT world but it is not too much different in that it allow access to file on a dissimilar Machine. It have some great extra features, however, Which help it to grow up the cloud.

Your opinion is Cloud, Whereas My opinion is RDP – Remote Desktop Protocol:

First we need to aware about the difference in between both of them. Cloud service is not known for the providing desktop solution but moreover a repository of the files which we can access as these are saved on the 'a hard drive inside the sky'. Remote Desktop Access the RDP allow too a user to access the Windows base files, desktop and application over any network. It also was developed to allowing IT guy to control Window desktop environment from a non Window device, Such like as a Mac device, All over the Internet, Such as by using a Mac RDP Client for an example. It mean not that only opening a files as with clouds computing but executing the application and doing much ore invasive thing like repair.

RDP has been Expanded to its extendable level that this can now be use on the devices of mobile and is not more difficult to use than most software so you can now use our iPads and the other tablet to access our home or the our remote virtual desktop or physical at work, So interaction with this as you were sitting in front of this. The HTML5, browser base RDP client is cross platform, meaning we can use it to access Windows apps and desktop from any devices executing an HTML5 compatible browsers.

Security of Our Data – A Worry about this:

While NSA revealing the previous week that those have the possibilities to handle all type of potential
Cloud Vs RDP Mobile Application Testing
Cloud Vs RDP Mobile Application Testing
internet communications, ostensibly in an try to combat terrorist threat, We are all definitely related about how much record the govt. can be search out about the us. There have some suggestions that definitely organization allow the govt directly access to their information. Though these have rejected poorly. We can never become confirm how much accessibility Apple and Microsoft have to chose countless document and the photo we save n their server as ell as on the Drive of Google. Finally At least with the RDP, We can access the personal home system over the Internet with out having urgent share that information with such company, So if you are the fan of conspiracy theory then it may be the solutions for you. RDP then provides us the feeling of securities that come from leaving our sensitive document on the our home or work system, But first let us you access them simply through the nothing more complicated than our popular web browsers. Browser base remote desktop also mean no require to download file to our mobile devices and limit the amount of data saved on them, Finally disturbing out our peace of mind.

Test Maker in Mobile Applications App Testing, Testing a Mobile Application with Test Maker

Test Maker in Mobile Applications App Testing, Testing a Mobile Application with Test Maker

This is one of the automation tool for the Testing of Mobile Applications, The Test Maker from the PushToTest Inc.TestMaker is the solution for testing mobiles and web applications. It gives record and playback, data driven testing, and unit testing solution. It also gives the telephony the protocols handler to the rapidly build the test suite.

So as per the 'Push To Test' sprint and Bell Aliant have adopted such solutions for there Mobile Testing requirements. Well this is the main reasons also why we are sharing such tool with all of you. We have not adopted such tools for yet so we kept it up for all of you to have a look on such tool and to view whether it can satisfy the requirement of your Mobiles Testing.

So for such mobile testing tool for more details plz go through the following url:

Test Maker in Mobile Applications Testing
Test Maker in Mobile Applications Testing

Credit Cards for the Future | Mobile Credit Cards

Credit Cards for the Future | Mobile Credit Cards

Now Simple credit cards are going to become the past thing because of the popularity of payment via mobile credit card. AS per Finance of Yahoo, the total values of good and service and the utilities bills paid by the mobile device annually reached US$202 billion in the year 2012 and it's set to extend to US $410 billion current year in 2013. The companies of mobile phones, organizations, technology and companies of credit card have already began to generate a growing mobile credit card market.

If we like to confirm that we and our finances are prepare for the future, When comparing the credit card service on the website such as the credit card dot com. We should find for those of payments of credit card which looks to be moveable towards near the field of communication service via our mobile. Networks of Mobile Phone, providers of credit card and the stores are the grouping up to activate near field communication (NFC in Short) with their customers along with special offers and the personalized services. Even then in the early stage of development and the implementation, NFC is set to the revolutionist the way you try for the product in a sop and via our smart-phone.

So as with our credit card, then main motive around the new technology is security of the provided services.
Contactless payment of mobile from the network operator of mobile and credit card companies have been developed and the rigorously tested to confirm the transactions of customer and private data will be protected and the secure. Not only contactless payment will work even if our smart-phone is switched off but it can give great opportunity for us to save our money. The Smart-phone app is PIN protected and allow user to easily monitor the payment they have made as well as access their accounts information s through the app and therefore confirming the top most security.

Credit Cards for the Future Mobile Credit Cards
Credit Cards for the Future Mobile Credit Cards
By the way, If we do not use fancy mobile credit card system then there are other mobiles payments technology available for the consumer to use via their mobile devices. Several payment platforms of mobile let the customer send the money to the seller via money transfer application or alternatively have direct carrier billing option that add the cost of the buy to the customer's bill of phone. With the Applications of Smart-phone increasing in their service & functionality, we will be able to accept privately and user specific offer depend on our loyalty and the info gathered on our spending activities. For Good Example – Google Wallet – It allow the customer to save credit card and loyalty card information on a virtual wallet and ten use NFC activated devices at the terminal in a shop in order to payment for any product.

So this is the way which generally pay for the products has marked and changed in the last decade. Cash paying is no longer can live or the king for payment with a falling amount of customers using the cheques or cash for purchases. Instead of it new form of payment have come in the light due to the popularity of smart-phone increase and tablets along with the rapid growth in the mobile commerce market. Whether choosing to pay via an apps, with a mobile friendly web payment or the soon to be popular NFC activated smart-phone, we soon may be capable to leave our wallet or the purse at home and need not to worry about that. Because the thing of past like credit card is definitely not possible and rather soon at that with all our payment being made through a smart-phone due to the easy of the use, quick payment ways and unique offer that it has over the merchantable credit card.

So the future of credit card is one that look set to the develop and brought forward to the world of technology of mobiles. Add to the consumers satisfactions and increasing the easy to access and control of their finance.

Phantom Data Usage Issue on Windows Phone 7, Probable Reason for this Issues

Phantom Data Usage Issue on Windows Phone 7, Probable Reason for this Issues

Hello, Dev Team should confirm that app is not making any unwanted data call when it is not required or
unnecessary. So similar case is that when it happen with new handsets of Microsoft based on the newly Windows Phone 7 OS. Such bugs have been found and reported that some handsets executing on the window phone 7 Operating System are sending, receiving the 'Phantom data'. Some of them 'Users' are making complain that their devices is eating so much data request etc. Which is effecting there data plan poorly. So as per a user the phone send almost 30 to 50 MB of data each day. Interestingly excessive data is use by the cell phone even if the cell is kept idle, Which is totally wastage of data.
Phantom Data Usage Issue on Windows Phone 7
Phantom Data Usage Windows Phone 7

Probable Reason for this Issues:

So will it be problem due to the phone sending the 'feedback' to the Microsoft about their performance of software OR the phones are on 3G connections use even when wi – fi is available? Well the root cause is yet to be recognized.

So Where Microsoft for This:
Yes Microsoft is looking into this bug and definitely overcome from it with some solid solutions for this the coming future with Windows Phone 7 Update. Because as per Microsoft, this thing investigating why some window phone 7 based mobiles handset are sending & receiving 'phantom data'. Actually bugs however mostly reported by the At and T users.

So as I earlier said that we require to test our mobile handsets or the mobiles applications not only on the depend of its functional compliance but also the keeping in the mind some other major factor which can hurt our business or work.

Brian Klapper: The Q-Loop: Lasting Corporate Change - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Internationally recognized expert in operational and cultural transformation, president and founding partner of The Klapper Institute, and author of the collaboration building and positive results oriented book The Q-Loop: The Art & Science of Lasting Corporate Change, Brian Klapper describes the challenges faced by change leaders and offers a practical and proven alternative change management process. Brian Klapper presents the Q-Loop concept of change, as a holistic method that engages and includes ideas from all areas of the organization. While many change leaders approach the concept of change with their own ideas, Brian Klapper turns the process on its head, and draws on the experience, ideas, and wisdom of front line employees. In a time when 70 percent of change initiatives fail to achieve their goals or to last at all, the Q-Loop presents a comprehensive methodology that engages people in a collaborative process. Brian Klapper shares ideas that go beyond the usual strategy and theory, and demonstrates how to put in change into action effectively, and for the long term.

Brian Klapper is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, July 30, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Internationally recognized expert in operational and cultural transformation, president and founding partner of The Klapper Institute, and author of the collaboration building and positive results oriented book The Q-Loop: The Art & Science of Lasting Corporate Change, Brian Klapper describes the challenges faced by change leaders and offers a practical and proven alternative change management process. You will learn:

* Why 70 percent of change management initiatives fail to achieve lasting change

* How the Q-Loop offers an inclusive and engaging alternative

* How to get front line employees to share their ideas and experience

* How to implement change effectively with the Q-Loop process

Brian Klapper (photo left) is the President and Founding Partner of The Klapper Institute. He is an internationally recognized expert in transformational change, working with a variety of global companies in financial services, consumer products, manufacturing, food service, utilities, retail, and healthcare.

His experience spans all elements of the value chain, as well as all customer touchpoints. A recognized thought leader, Brian is currently working on a new book that provides insights on the complex cultural and operational issues that companies must address to achieve and sustain transformational change.

Brian has been profiled in The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, Fortune, Business Week, and The New York Times. He is a sought-after speaker for company events and a periodic contributor to business and trade publications. His article "Going from Chief Learning Officer to Chief Destruction Officer" was selected as the cover story for Chief Learning Officer online magazine. Brian also co-authored a chapter in Redesigning Healthcare Delivery, "Applying Performance Engineering to Medical Care," which has become an industry standard.

Before founding The Klapper Institute, Brian was the President of The Tatham Group, a boutique process redesign firm. Previously, he was a Partner at Mercer Management Consulting (formerly Strategic Planning Associates, now Oliver Wyman) focusing on strategy development and operational transformation.

My book review of The Q-Loop: The Art & Science of Lasting Corporate Change by Brian Klapper.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with internationally recognized expert in operational and cultural transformation, president and founding partner of The Klapper Institute, and author of the collaboration building and positive results oriented book The Q-Loop: The Art & Science of Lasting Corporate Change, Brian Klapper, as he describes the challenges faced by change leaders and offers a practical and proven alternative change management process. Brian Klapper presents the Q-Loop concept of change, as a holistic method that engages and includes ideas from all areas of the organization. While many change leaders approach the concept of change with their own ideas, Brian Klapper turns the process on its head, and draws on the experience, ideas, and wisdom of front line employees. In a time when 70 percent of change initiatives fail to achieve their goals or to last at all, the Q-Loop presents a comprehensive methodology that engages people in a collaborative process. Brian Klapper shares ideas that go beyond the usual strategy and theory, and demonstrates how to put in change into action effectively, and for the long term on Blog Business Success Radio.

What is Bluetooth app applications Testing for Mobile Handset, Bluetooth Test Scenarios and Cases

What is Bluetooth app applications Testing for Mobile Handset, Bluetooth Test Scenarios and Test Cases, How Headset Bluetooth can be test?

Hi All,

Let us discuss on very common questions related to interview for mobile handset bluetooth application testing. First we should aware about the – What is Bluetooth?

What is Bluetooth: Bluetooth is like an or quite like a wireless protocol. It is used to move the record or
What is Bluetooth
What is Bluetooth
data from one device to another devices either it is mobile device or fixed device. But it work over short distance only. Bluetooth is not useful for long of large distance.

This is the bluetooth so now we can discuss about Bluetooth testing for mobile or handset devices.

We need to keep all features and points related to mobiles with bluetooth in mind while doing the bluetooth testing.

Bluetooth Test Scenarios and Test Cases:

  • First check and compare that visibility of the devices are true when a search perform from the Master device through Bluetooth.
  • Once Visibility found any device then try to pair it with Master Device.
  • Try to set and change the Time of Visibility i.e. 1min, 3min etc
  • Just try to rename the slave device and try to pair with the same master device and then test it for the updated name in the Master Device.
  • Now confirm the transfer process of Master to Slave and Slave to Master devices.
  • Call need to connect via BT headset
  • Confirm to pair with the max nos of devices allow to pair.
  • Now just try to share the files with the all type of max paired devices at one time.
  • Confirm that BT can be activated from the Multimedia application during the trying to send the medias or files.
  • Finally Try to send the contacts through the Bluetooth or BT

Some Special Test Cases for Bluetooth Testing:
  • Playing the music via mono bluetooth headset and stereo bluetooth headset too.
  • Test the through put of bluetooth. For example transferring 1mb in1min or by using small app on the devices.
  • Just connect the car kit of bluetooth and test whether the car kit can be read all our phone contact and listening our commands or not.
  • Just test for to try of sending the calender not via Bluetooth.
  • Now try the DUN – Dial Up Network connection to the PC via BT
  • Now just try to send the Music / Image / Video files via bluetooth and test whether the transferred file can be store on the phone / memory card and play properly.
  • Testing range of bluetooth
  • Now try to print the image or the text file via BT or bluetooth printer via BT.

The Q-Loop by Brian Klapper - Book review

The Q-Loop

The Art & Science of Lasting Corporate Change

By: Brian Klapper

Published: May 7, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN-10: 1937134520
ISBN-13: 978-1937134525
Publisher: Bibliomotion

"The single biggest challenge that prevents leaders from getting things done is their inability to generate buy-in for the change across the organization", writes internationally recognized expert in business process transformation, and President and Founding Partner of The Klapper Institute, Brian Klapper, in his collaboration building and positive results oriented book The Q-Loop: The Art & Science of Lasting Corporate Change. The author describes how and why so many strategic change plans fail, and offers a holistic approach to change that is both effective and sustainable over the long term.

Brian Klapper understands that simply having a bold and innovative change strategy is insufficient if there is no collaborative engagement and commitment from the employees. The author also knows that any organization that is unable to adapt to change and to implement continual improvement in every aspect of its business will fall into irrelevance.

Organizational change is never easy, however, and with a seventy percent failure rate in change initiatives, that needed change has never been more difficult for leaders to achieve. To overcome the internal and external challenges and barriers to real and lasting change, Brian Klapper proposes the concept of the Q-Loop as an effective, collaborative, and long term strategy.

Brian Klapper (photo left) recognizes that a collaborative process for developing and implementing change, through a process that incorporates ideas at the grassroots employee level, has a greater chance of success. The traditional top down, management idea focused strategies have led to failure, or at best, change that fails to last and become part of a new company culture.

The collaborative approach closes the often very deep chasm between idea generation and change process implementation. The level of buy-in is much higher, the ideas more appropriate and effective, and commitment to the change is greater on the part of employees.

Brian Klapper divides the book into three overall sections. The parts of the book reflect the three basic phases of the Q-Loop process in action. Instead of intuitive or theoretical change ideals, the Q-Loop system presents a practical route to change that is effective, innovative, is built for the long term, and utilizes the ideas and experience of the entire organization. The three overarching principles are as follows:

* Entering the Q-Loop: Maximize the organizations collective IQ
* Going around the Q-Loop: Ignite a grassroots mindset shift
* Exiting the Q-Loop: Embed the Q-Loop in the organization

For me, the power of the book is how Brian Klapper combines a comprehensive change management strategy with the practical techniques to implement the entire process effectively. The author provides a holistic strategy based on collaborative input of ideas and on collaborative implementation across the entire organization. While other change management books offer ideas and stories, Brian Klapper offers a real world tested and proven methodology for making change that stay in place after the change process ends.

The author admits openly that change management is a very difficult process to implement effectively. Not all leaders and initiators of change are aware of that reality. As a result, Brian Klapper advises his change leaders of the challenges that await anyone implementing organizational change. The Q-Loop system presented in the book is one that engages people across the organization, asks for and welcomes the grassroots experience and ideas to the process, and puts the employee created recommendations into place.

I highly recommend the very hands on and insightful book The Q-Loop: The Art & Science of Lasting Corporate Change by Brian Klapper, to any change leaders, facilitators and managers who are seeking a complete process that is collaborative and inclusive, and is tested and proven in real world change situations. This book should be read and read again before, during, and after any change management initiative in your organization.

Real Influence by Mark Goulston & John Ullmen - Book review

Real Influence

Persuade Without Pushing and Gain Without Giving In

By: Mark Goulston, MD, John Ullmen, Ph.D.

Published: January 2, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 272 pages
ISBN-10: 081442015X
ISBN-13: 978-0814420157
Publisher: AMACOM

"As executive coaches, we know that it's harder than ever to influence people because the old rules of persuasion no longer work", write organizational consultant, relationship counselor, hostage-negotiation trainer, and Chairman and Co-Founder of Heartfelt Leadership, Mark Goulston, MD; and speaker, executive coach, and faculty member at the UCLA Anderson School of Management, John Ullmen, Ph.D., in their engaging and practical technique filled book Real Influence: Persuade Without Pushing and Gain Without Giving In. The authors describe how books and business schools teach outdated manipulative persuasion techniques that create unsustainable disconnected influence, and offer the alternative or deep relationship building connected persuasion.

Mark Goulston (photo left) and John Ullmen recognize that the outmoded concept of disconnected influence did and continues to gain short term persuasion. While that tactic failed to develop or maintain any long term relationships, it did provide short term results, at the cost of a person's reputation. The authors present a complete shift in thinking and approach with the concept of connected influence.

Not only does connected influence create and enrich relationships, it also deepens those connections to form advocates for the persuader's cause. The premise of the book is that anyone can learn the skills and develop the personal mindset to positively influence anyone else.

John Ullmen (photo left) and Mark Goulston understand that persuasion is no longer a case of doing something to someone else to achieve your goals. The authors point out that persuasion in its true form goes far beyond what the persuader actually wants. Instead, the focus for effective persuasion must be on building relationships, giving to others first with no immediate requests for any return, and establishing mutually beneficial outcomes.

The authors share an engagement based concept of persuasion where empathy with others, and real and authentic communication form the basis for deep and lasting relationships. The methods outlined in the book can be utilized effectively by anyone to influence anyone else through a mutually beneficial win-win viewpoint. The authors outline their connective persuasion process in seven overall sections in the book. The sections are as follows:

* The problem: Why you are struggling to influence people
* Step one: Go for the great outcome
* Step two: Listen past your blind spot
* Step three: Engage them in their there
* Step 4: When you've done more
* Taking real influence to the next level
* Putting it all together

Foe me, the power of the book is how Mark Goulston and John Ullmen provide a comprehensive blueprint for establishing connected influence, and offer the practical skills and exercises to put the process into action. The authors go beyond the standard approach to influence where the purpose of persuasion is to get the other person to do something to advance only the agenda of the influencer. That influence model created what the authors call a disconnect between people, resulting in at best a short term relationship, and more likely long term damage to both parties and their reputations.

The authors turn the process upside down, creating the relationship first, from which the influence naturally follows. People do business with those who they know, like, trust, and have built a deep and lasting connection. The connected influence process takes that reality as its basis, while the disconnected system fails to understand or consider the human element involved in the relationship.

I highly recommend the pioneering and authentic approach based book Real Influence: Persuade Without Pushing and Gain Without Giving In by Mark Goulston and John Ullmen, to any business leaders, sales managers, non-profit organization executives, educators, public policy makers, speakers, and anyone interested in building relationships with others as the foundation for establishing influence and ideas. This book will transform your thinking and overall approach to influence and persuasion from one of manipulation to one of win-win collaboration.

Brand Breakout by Nirmalya Kumar & Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp - Book review

Brand Breakout

How Emerging Market Brands Will Go Global

By: Nirmalya Kumar, Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp

Published: June 18, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 272 pages
ISBN-10: 1137276614
ISBN-13: 978-1137276612
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

"Given the size and growth of its economy, China will dominate brand breakout from emerging markets to the West. It is a global game changing country, both economically and politically. Yet most of our arguments are valid for other emerging markets, and our examples serve managers in those countries too", write professor of Marketing and co-director of Aditya Birla India Centre at London Business School, Nirmalya Kumar; and C. Knox Massey Distinguished Professor of Marketing and Marketing Area Chair at the Kenan-Flagler Business School at UNC, Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkmap, in their important and well researched book Brand Breakout: How Emerging Market Brands Will Go Global.

The authors describe how brands from emerging market countries are not well known in the West, but they see that perception to change in the near future, and provide a series of key ways that ensure emerging market brands will become household names for Western consumers.

Nirmalya Kumar (photo left) and Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp recognize that potential customers in the West, are unable to recall or point out any brands originating in China, and from other developing market countries. The authors present a practical strategy for brands from non-Western countries to create a breakthrough in recognition and acceptance in the West.

For emerging market based brands, the global economy offers them a huge and untapped source of new customers. The challenge facing brand managers and marketers in emerging economies is to create brand awareness and acceptance in the West. The authors offer a richly researched knowledge base for taking a developing market brand to the global marketplace.

Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp (photo left) and Nirmalya Kumar understand the importance of brands and brand recognition for product success in the global economy. Despite its enormous success in manufacturing as the global workshop, Chinese brands have not made inroads into the Western marketplace. The same challenges face brands from other emerging market countries. The authors also point out the extreme differences between the various emerging markets, but they are convinced that each country can achieve breakthroughs with exporting their brands globally.

The authors demonstrate that the differences in the emerging markets are also their potential strengths in gaining global markets in general, and Western markets in particular. The authors outline eight different strategies that can be considered and employed by emerging market based brands. The marketing concepts go far beyond the usual default lower price route. The eight strategic routes are as follows:

* The Asian tortoise route: Migrating to higher quality and brand premium
* The business to consumer route: Leveraging B2B strength in B2C markets
* The diaspora route: Following emigrants into the world
* The brand acquisition route: Buying global brands from Western multinationals
* The positive campaign route: Overcoming negative country of origin associations
* The cultural resource route: Positioning on positive cultural myths
* The natural resources route: Branding commodities in four steps
* The national champion route: Leveraging strong support from the state

For me, the power of the book is how Nirmalya Kumar and Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp establish a powerful set of eight strategic routes, to international branding success, and share the practical techniques to put those strategies into action. The authors provide groundbreaking research to enhance their strategies and concepts for increasing global brand awareness. The research data includes case studies of successful brand transitions into Western markets, as well as some useful graphics which show the changes in brand strategies at a glance.

The strategic routes are described in detail for ease and depth of understanding by brand marketers. At the same time, the details of the techniques for implementing the overall strategies are presented in in a readily applicable format, including further examples to illustrate the principles in the real world marketplace. The authors include a very extensive set of end notes for each chapter, documenting their research, and offering the marketers additional sources of information to enrich their understanding of the eight strategic routes.

I highly recommend the very clear and concise book Brand Breakout: How Emerging Market Brands Will Go Global by Nirmalya Kumar and Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, to any global branders, marketers, CEOs, public policy makers, government officials, trade association members, advertisers seeking a very hands on and proven strategy packed book on winning international market share for their brands. This book will inspire companies to move forward with any plans they may have to capture the global marketplace.

Yiorgos Chavaledakis, ΚΟΥΜΟΣ, πέτρινη κατασκευή/ KOUMOS, stone construction

pictures are screenprints from Serflac's video
(see documentation)

Yiorgos Chavaledakis's stone construction is an ensemble of buildings, structures and sculptures made from stones which vary in shape, color and size  (from small to some meters), as collected by Yiorgos in the neighbouring mountains.

Located in the community of Kalyves, near Chania, on Crete, the site is named Koumos, a greek term to denote a shed with a typical form, as depicted in the next picture, showing the one made by Chavaledaki.

Starting to make his creation in 1990, Chavaledakis, about whom the internet has no biographic details, has been working on it for over ten years. The complex of structures accommodate a greek tavern and restaurant, where large numbers of guests can be welcomed. 

The building whch houses the tavern is lavishly decorated with stones, in the same way as the chapel on the site, as shown below.

Yiorgos' creative talent is also reflected in various stand alone sculptures ....

.... mosaic decorated images ....

and frescoes in high relief on the walls.

Documentation/more pictures
* The official Koumos website (in greek)
* Koumos on Facebook
* Page on the Netilios website, in french, review and pictures
* Video by Serflac (Youtube, 4'01". uploaded july 2013)

Yiorgos Chavaledakis
730073 Chania, Crete
open to the public that visits the tavern

Practical Ethics for Food Professionals edited by J. Peter Clark & Christopher Ritson - Book review

Practical Ethics for Food Professionals

Ethics in Research, Education and the Workplace

Edited by: J. Peter Clark, Ph.D., Christopher Ritson, Ph.D.

Published: July 29, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 298 pages
ISBN-10: 0470673435
ISBN-13: 978-0470673430
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

"Ethical considerations are involved in every aspect of a food professional's education and career, but the subject is rarely taught explicitly", write Consultant to the Process Industries and Contributing Editor, Food Technology magazine, IFT, J. Peter Clark; and Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Marketing at the Centre for Rural Economy, School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Newcastle University, UK, Christopher Ritson, editors of the very comprehensive and food strategy oriented book Practical Ethics for Food Professionals: Ethics in Research, Education and the Workplace. The editors provide a series of contributors by leading global experts on the guiding principles and ethics in the entire food industry, including a series of case studies demonstrating the various concepts in real world settings.

J. Peter Clark (photo left) and Christopher Ritson recognize that business and agricultural colleges have increased their emphasis on teaching ethics and values. These courses are helpful and effective for integrating ethical thinking into student thinking, and actions. In this volume, the editors address the necessity of transferring the food related values and ethics to professionals in all areas of the food industry.

The contributions present principles and components for the inclusion of ethics in all areas of food industry strategic planning and execution. This book bridges that knowledge gap between the classroom and the rest of the food industry by addressing the issues of ethics and values in a practical and systemic based format.

Christopher Ritson (photo left) and J. Peter Clark understand that values and ethics affect every aspect of the food industry, as well as every professional within the food system. As a result, the editors include articles written by authorities on marketing, resource use, the environment and sustainability, and the management and treatment of people working in all areas of the food industry. The editors selected contributions that consider the practical and real world application of the principles and ideas.

The editors developed an anthology with very wide ranging perspectives on ethics and values in the global food industry. The book is divided into four overarching sections to cover the complete gamut of concepts and opinion regarding food industry ethics and values. The four areas are as follows:

* Principles: Ethics from several viewpoints
* Issues in food industry ethics: Issues and practical applications
* Examples and case studies: Ethics and values in the real world
* Conclusion: Summary and synthesis of the various chapters and their concepts

For me, the power of the book is how J. Peter Clark and Christopher Ritson present a complete range of essays that cover the most important points of food industry values and ethics. The editors include contributors from all over the world, who bring varying viewpoints and perspectives to the subject matter. The first section of the book, on ethical principles, establishes the concept of ethics drawn from global, philosophical, and multi-disciplinary perspectives.

With those principles in place, the essays turn to the consideration of ethics and values in areas as diverse as publishing, food production and consumption, and the impact on people through every step of the industry. The next group of essays consists of case studies that illustrate the concepts and impact of ethical values and behavior in the workplace, research, education fair trade, technology, commodity speculation, and disastrous events. Overall, this is an excellent guide and textbook for teaching and incorporating values and ethics into every aspect of the food industry.

I highly recommend the groundbreaking and very approachable book Practical Ethics for Food Professionals: Ethics in Research, Education and the Workplace edited by J. Peter Clark and Christopher Ritson, to any academics, teachers, and students in any food related and agricultural program, business leaders in the food industry, primary agricultural producers, public policy makers, and activists seeking a clear and practical series of essays that offer a complete overview of values and ethics in the food industry. This book should be a must read for anyone making decisions within any part of the food industry.

Our lunch at the Black Bear restaurant in Sequim

All our guests at Sequim 'Bell Hill View vacation rental' or visiting friends from out of town, want to know what's a great restaurant to eat out in Sequim.

Well, tastes and favorite meals for dining vary a lot, especially so when it comes to name what is Sequim's best restaurant. So at our vacation apartment we keep all the Sequim town restaurant menus in a folder and let guests decide which restaurant offers their favorite food and the want to try out. Read why the Black Bear diner menu has become a great addition to our Sequim town restaurant menus.

Recently, we heard more and more great feed-backs and reviews about the new 'Black Bear' restaurant next to 'Holiday Inn Express' in Sequim. When my birthday was coming up, it was time to check out the new popular diner on our own. Big surprise when we showed up at an early lunch time 11:30am and found the restaurant parking lot already filled. One space was open just right for us.

We were warmly welcome by a big bunch of carved cute black bears at all kinds of of places. Blooming flowers in hanging baskets and containers were everywhere. And with the blue Sequim summer skies as a backdrop, we did not not know where we should start taking photos. We'll share some with you right here on our Sequim Town blog.

Long story short, when we had settled down at our outdoor table and the waitress showed up in now time, we felt we were at the right place. And we did not get disappointed a bit. Keoki had 'French dip' with a load of crispy French fries - once a year we can indulge! - and I had 'Pecan Crusted Trout'. During our not too long waiting time, we learned more about Sequim in 1969 from the 'Black Bear Gazette', which interestingly served as the menu. We also learned that there are 58 (!) other Black Bear restaurants along the West Coast.

Visiting Sequim? We can definitely recommend a visit to the Black Bear restaurant. Great ambience, fast service and delicious food! We'll be back for dinner.

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