Chip R. Bell: Managers As Mentors - Blog Business Success

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Consultant, trainer, senior partner with the Chip Bell Group, and co-author of he completely revised third edition of the very practical and engaged partnership based book Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Learning, Third Edition, Chip R. Bell describes how the relationship between a mentor and the protege goes far beyond coaching to become a real learning partnership. Chip Bell provides a fresh approach to mentoring that establishes every manager as a potential mentor for colleagues, co-workers, and team members. Instead of simply coaching to create improved performance, Chip Bell demonstrates how the mentorship becomes a mutual and collaborative learning opportunity. Chip Bell outlines the SAGE structure of the mentoring experience. The four steps of Surrendering, Accepting, Gifting, and Extending create a positive and cooperative learning environment that benefits the mentor, the mentee, and the whole organization. Chip Bell also shares ideas for continued, self planned learning after the mentoring experience ends. Learn how to be both a great mentor, and a strong mentee, and share in the lifelong learning process.

Chip R. Bell is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, August 8, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Consultant, trainer, senior partner with the Chip Bell Group, and co-author of he completely revised third edition of the very practical and engaged partnership based book Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Learning, Third Edition, Chip R. Bell describes how the relationship between a mentor and the protege goes far beyond coaching to become a real learning partnership. You will learn:

* Why a fresh approach to mentoring is needed in organizations

* Why mentoring should emphasize collaborative learning between people

* Hoe to apply the SAGE principle of shared mentorship

* How to continue the process both independently and across the entire firm

Chip R. Bell (photo left) s a senior partner with the Chip Bell Group and has worked as consultant, trainer, and speaker to a number of major organizations. As a highly decorated infantry unit commander with the elite 82nd Airborne during the Vietnam war, Chip went on to join the faculty of the Instructional Methods Division of the Army Infantry School, and served as an adjunct instructor at Cornell University, Manchester University (UK), and Penn State University.

He has authored or co-authored nineteen books, including Wired and Dangerous: How Your Customers Have Changed and What to Do About it (with John Patterson) and Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service (with Ron Zemke), and his articles on training and learning have appeared in numerous professional journals.

My book review of Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Learning, Third Edition by Chip R. Bell and Marshall Goldsmith.

My book review of Wired and Dangerous: How Your Customers Have Changed and What to Do About It by Chip R. Bell and John R. Patterson.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with consultant, trainer, senior partner with the Chip Bell Group, and co-author of he completely revised third edition of the very practical and engaged partnership based book Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Learning, Third Edition, Chip R. Bell, as he describes how the relationship between a mentor and the protege goes far beyond coaching to become a real learning partnership. Chip Bell provides a fresh approach to mentoring that establishes every manager as a potential mentor for colleagues, co-workers, and team members. Instead of simply coaching to create improved performance, Chip Bell demonstrates how the mentorship becomes a mutual and collaborative learning opportunity. Chip Bell outlines the SAGE structure of the mentoring experience. The four steps of Surrendering, Accepting, Gifting, and Extending create a positive and cooperative learning environment that benefits the mentor, the mentee, and the whole organization. Chip Bell also shares ideas for continued, self planned learning after the mentoring experience ends. Learn how to be both a great mentor, and a strong mentee, and share in the lifelong learning process on Blog Business Success Radio.

Managers as Mentors, Third Edition by Chip R. Bell & Marshall Goldsmith - Book review

Managers as Mentors

Building Partnerships for Learning, Third Edition

By: Chip R. Bell, Marshall Goldsmith

Published: June 3, 3013
Format: Paperback, 256 pages
ISBN-10: 160994710X
ISBN-13: 978-1609947101
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"What is mentoring? At its most basic level, it is simply the act of helping another learn. However, the relationship between helper and helpee changes significantly when performed as a learning partnership rather than the traditional teaching “parentship (master teaches apprentice)", write senior partner with the Chip Bell Group, Chip R. Bell; and internationally recognized thought leader Marshall Goldsmith, in the completely revised third edition of their very practical and engaged partnership based book Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Learning, Third Edition. The authors describe a fresh approach to the concept of the relationship between the mentor and the protege that emphasizes the relationship as a mutually beneficial partnership in place of the traditional teacher and pupil dynamic.

Chip R. Bell (photo left) and Marshall Goldsmith recognize the important distinction between the concepts of mentors and of coaches. While coaching focuses on improving performance, the authors point out that the role of the mentor is to facilitate learning. The central element of the book is the overall philosophy of partnership between people.

The authors offer the perspective that both the mentor and the mentee are learning during the process, and that the more they learn, the more they will accomplish and achieve in their roles. In the end, the authors offer an alternative role for managers and employees, as mentors and colleagues in the ongoing learning and leadership development process.

Marshall Goldsmith (photo left) and Chip R. Bell recognize the critical importance of attracting and retaining top quality employees within the organization. The authors are keenly aware of the transformation of managerial roles in the modern, flatter companies. To facilitate the new role for managers and leaders, the successful organization has adapted and became a teaching and learning location. With this change has risen the importance of mentors as teachers and also as learners with their partner proteges.

The authors break down this new form of learning and sharing of wisdom into the new partnership role of mentorship. The authors divide the book into seven overarching sections to facilitate understanding and facilitating this new learning based organization. The seven parts of the book are as follows:

* Mentoring is...
* Surrendering: Leveling the learning field
* Accepting: Creating a safe haven for risk taking
* Gifting: The main event
* Extending: Nurturing a self-directed learner
* Special conditions
* The mentor's tool kit

For me, the power of the book is how Chip R. Bell and Marshall Goldsmith combine a comprehensive framework for transforming the concept of mentors, with the hands on skills necessary to achieve success for both the mentor and the mentee. The authors offer a completely updated and revised version of their classic book on mentoring, and add even more value and new tools to make the mentor and protege roles even more effective. The authors also include a crucial presentation and vision of life after the mentor is longer there.

The authors provide a complete case study at the conclusion of each chapter to illustrate the principles in action in the real world. With the book's central focus on learning as a partnership between the manager as mentor, and the colleague, co-worker, or team member as co-creator in the learning process, is brought into clarity with hte case studies. The book is set up in a logical format, where the various concepts lead naturally to one another, and also are shown to be integrated into a holistic overall perspective.

I highly recommend the very clear and concise book Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Learning, Third Edition by Chip R. Bell and Marshall Goldsmith, to any leaders and managers who are seeking a powerful and learning based alternative to the traditional form of mentoring. This book will transform your organization into a mutual learning and collaborative culture where lifelong learning leads to greater success.

Log Collector for Android Apps

Log Collector for Android Apps

How to Collect Logs when We are not connected to DDMS?

Logs are too urgent when we are receiving any type of crash in our app or when our apps are not behaving accurately. Traditionally for the Android App, You all gather the logs by the connecting to the DDMS. However sometime it become so hard to digs out the log when our devices do not get connect with our Machine due to any problem like cable or any other error with the devices. Recently We faced such problem for my developer. If we are the one who face this problems, then here is an apps which can help us or those in such situations.

Lets work on Log collector:
  • Log collector is like an apps or tools which can give us the applications log whenever it mandatory
  • We are not mandatory to connects with our Machine
  • We can also share the log via various social mean like: Email, Facebook, Bluetooth, Messaging etc.
  • We can also update the log before transferring these logs to our dev team

How to Get this Log Collector?

We can configure it from the Android Market (Now also on Google Play). So Just Type 'Log Collector' and search from the Google Play. This type of app or tool can be configure on the version 1.5 of Android and or the Above version.

Following Screens Will Help you to Understand about this Log collector:

Log Collector for Android Apps
Log Collector for Android Apps

How to collect  logs when you are not connected to DDMS
How to collect  logs when you are not connected to DDMS
Log Collector
Log Collector

Android Test Cases Android Testing Criteria and Checklist

Android Test Cases Android Testing Criteria and Checklist

Hi Friends, We are going to shared the all types of Android Test cases or Testing Criteria or the Test checklist with you. Yes – UTI had released the testing criteria for the Android Application before just year back. They provide the full fledged test check list for the Android automation testing. Here android test criteria will give you the full information or complete test cases or test criteria for your Android Applications. We will strongly suggest all of you to go through this document file and then create your required test cases on the basis of this test suit. We trust that this will definitely help you to create or deliver you higly quality Android Mobile Applications:

Android Test Cases Android Testing Criteria and Checklist
Android Test Cases Android Testing Criteria and Checklist

  • Copy and past the following link in your browser and get this checklist for mobile android test cases

Requirement of Seetest Mobile Test Automation tool Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian, WindowsPhone 7

Requirement of Seetest | Mobile Test Automation tool for Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian, WindowsPhone 7

What is the requirement of Mobile Test Automation tool on multiple platforms or what is its need / requirement?

AS all of us know that Mobile phone in the market to launch of hundreds of the devices in a month so market has been changed drastically :-

  • There are lot of applications developed and launched everyday in the market.
  • Enterprises require to give access to their online service through smartphone.
  • Applications developer require to quick launch their app on the multiple platforms to cover up with competitive market.
  • Hardware Vendors are developing multiple different devices base on the Android and another OS of mobile.

Let us Discuss on the Full Requirement for this Automation:

All OS of Mobile:

  • All Type of OS: So all type of 5 Android, iOS, Blackberry, WindowsPhone 7 and the Symbian. To give areal coverage of our consumer base we require a tool that can do testing on any of these. All OS versions of Mobile → OS version is constantly launch at the market. There is requirement of support of all of them.
  • The Models of All mobile devices: Phone, tablet and both are use today by the end user. So both require to test.

Complete Functionality: Smart-phone has a broad range of gesture, system alert and many other feature. All requirement to be supported. Otherwise non real automation can be get:

  • Gestures: First Swipe, Drag and Drop, zoom in and the zoom out, multitouch
  • System alert: Security pop up
  • Virtual Keyboards: All keyboard configuration

So SeeTest is the hot and most comprehensive automation tool for mobile testing in market, It generally covers all OS, All functionality →

Next Requirement: Plugging into the TestComplete, QTP, Junit, MSTest, Perl, Python :- Mobile automation testing is 'the new user on the neighborhood'. It is the joining into the realty where organization already have an existing testing environment such as QTP, TestComplete, Java, MSTest, Python, Perl. Naturally organization is looking for the solution that can easily integrate into such existing environment so that they can continue working from their usual testing environment only extend it ot cover the mobile testing as well.

SeeTest has plug-ins into all the testing environment like as the QTP, MSTest, Testcomplete, Junit, Perl and the Pyhtom.

Let us take for the QTP example: So the SeeTest plug-in activates to work from the within the QTP and the simply create the test the usual and regular way test are created in the QTP (Keyword View, Data driven Test, Expert View, test result and the analysis), Only that such time it is done on the real physical mobile device connect via a standard USB cable to the computer of tester. The users can record or edit the test and execute it and view the report → all possible in the QTP. Just as it have always done. So same goes for all the HP testing and the monitoring tool such as the QC and the Load Runner.

<Keyword view
Keyword view

Expert view
Expert view

 data driven tests and test results
data driven tests and test results

Next Requirement : Simple and Quick to Operate – Recorder :- As we know the world of mobile is changing quickly, And so we should have the ability to create the test fast and simply with full efficiently. So the SeeTest recorder activates the easy, simple and the quick test creation.

Next Requirement : Same script executing on the mobile OS and the multiple devices:-

There are 5 smart-phone OS. There are hundred models of smart-phone device . There are constantly updating or coming new OS version. This reality mandate one strong and clear requirement – script once, run on any devices or OS.
One of SeeTest’s main strength is its capability to execute the very same test script on any OS of mobile or on Any physical device. No exception will occur. This brings clear and indisputable ROI to the mobile automation project.

Android Market | Google Increase the file size limit up to 4 GB in Android Market

Android Market | Google Increase the file size limit up to 4 GB in Android Market

Here one more good news for Android Developers are available. Google has been increased the Sizes of Android Apps 50 MB to 4GB for Android Market. So max allowed size of APK file still be limited to the 50 MB. However the developer will have to keep two expansion files, each will be around 2 GB.
So What does it mean in Realty? Here we are providing some points which will persuade you about what such changes from the Google can do for developer and the user.

Primarily Size of 50 MB is enough for any type of Android Application. Famous game of android named Angry Birds Rio has the 19 MB size of file. However there are some kind of app i.e. high quality 3D audio and the video which require more resource.

Before We proceed further, this should be clear that App of Android were free to exceed the size limit earlier also, but developer had to host the data on their own dependency.

Traditionally, When user try to download such type of larger app or the games from the market of Android, after downloading the core apps, user is prompted to configure the additional file to complete the download. These additional file had to be dependent on developer hosting. Surely the size of file of such additional files were not assume while displaying the apps size of that game / apps on the Android market. Hence sometime even a user may feel fooled as for the app game of the 10 MB, We require to configure additional 1 to 2 GB of the data after the installing the core apk.

So Moreover downloading such additional record were ofter leading to finished of the return time. By this way Google gives 15 min return window for paid app. If we download apps and we uninstall within 15 min then we can automatically get the refund for our purchase price. But actually this is not possible for the case of big apps.

So what are the great advantages after such good update of Google?

  • Android Market
    Android Market
    For the Android Market Google has extended the size of Android App 50 MB to 4 GB to Upload. Such additional files can now be hosted on the server of Google and developer will not have to host such additional file on their own expenses on some third party server.
  • Because there is not much restrictions on the size of app, so we can assume or expect to have some more good quality app for the Market of Android.
  • Because all these record can be fully integrated into the APK and expansion files, user will be able to see the total size of apps in the market of Android before purchasing and downloading it.
  • Most interested thing is that the expansion of size of the file will be automatically download when we will download the core apps from the market of Android.
  • However for the previous version of Google Devices will give the library of download to the download the expansion files.

Finally Conclusion is that This Google update is very beneficial for the both users and the developers.


General Insurance Internal Assessor Job in Kenya

We are looking for a skilled, results-oriented, self-motivated, enthusiastic, passionate and extroverted person each with a “can-do” attitude to fill the position of Internal Assessor, reporting to the Assistant Manager - Claims. 

Duties and responsibilities include the following: 

Duties & Responsibilities 

Scrutinizing all the assessment reports submitted by the assessors and

General Insurance Risk & Compliance Executive Job in Kenya

We are a general insurance company looking for a skilled, results-oriented, self-motivated, enthusiastic, passionate and extroverted person with a “can-do” attitude to fill the following position: 

Job Title: Risk & Compliance Executive 

Department: Audit, Risk & Compliance 

Reports To: Manager – Risk & Compliance 

Overall Responsibility 

Provide oversight, support and develop continuous

General Insurance Direct Sales Representatives Jobs in Kenya

We are a general insurance company looking for skilled, results-oriented, self-motivated, enthusiastic, passionate and extroverted persons each with a “can-do” attitude to fill the following positions: 

Job Title: Direct Sales Representatives 

Department: Marketing & Business Development 

Report to: Assistant Manager - Sales 

Overall Responsibility 

To grow the business of the company

Cellulant Implementation Engineers Jobs in Kenya

Cellulant is a mobile commerce company. It operates Africa’s number one mobile commerce network and aims to connect 100 million customers to its mobile commerce ecosystem. 

Cellulant was founded in 2003 and has currently operations in Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana and every year moving into new countries.

We are the mobile

Meru County Government Consultancy Opportunities: ICT Strategy Development, Communication & Branding Strategy Development, TV & Radio Production System Design and Supply of Kenya Top Bar Bee Hives

Republic of Kenya 

Meru County Government 

1. Expression of Interest for the Development of ICT Strategy 


Meru County Government was established by the Constitution of Kenya 2010, article 176. 

The Government of Meru County aims at utilizing technology to ensure efficient and effective service delivery and to anchor its strategic plan for operations on a modern Robust ICT

Narok County Government Expression of Interest for Virtual Private Network Setup

The Republic Of Kenya 

Narok County Government 

Office of the Governor 

Expression of Interest for Virtual Private Network SetupNarok County Government is soliciting for expression of interest for virtual private network setup from highly qualified firms.

Narok County covers an area of 17,944 SQ. KM. The County Head Quarters is in Narok Town.

The County has five Sub Counties namely

Receptionist Job Vacancy in Kenya

Highly prolific merchandise company is looking for a position: 


Applicants should be holders of at least a Diploma or its equivalent in the relevant field. Interested applicants should send their applications to:

P.O. Box 66839-00800NairobiEmail:

Diploma Trainees Wanted Urgently

Diploma Trainees Wanted Urgently


Have Diploma in Agronomy / Livestock production 

Be computer literate 

Apply to:

New KCC Information Systems Auditor and Depot Supervisor Jobs in Kenya

New Kenya Co-operative Creameries Limited is the leading Dairy Company in the Country re-known for its world class brands that include KCC Butter, Ghee, Gold Crown, Safariland and Mala among others. 

We are seeking to recruit dynamic and result driven person to fill the following vacancy:- 

1. Information Systems Auditor 

Ref: HR/ISA/01/08/2013 

Job Role 

Reporting to the Chief

Oshwal Academy Mombasa Biology and Economics Teaching Jobs in Kenya

Teaching Vacancies

Oshwal Academy Mombasa is a private school owned and managed by the Oshwal Education and Relief Board. 

The Academy admits students from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds and has a reputation for academic excellence and a broad range of co-curricular activities. 

The school teaches the British National Curriculum which prepares students for the IGCSE. Success

HelpAge International Regional Director (East West & Central Africa) Job in Nairobi, Kenya

Regional Director, East West & Central Africa (EWCA) 

£40,000 gross per annum plus a benefits package 

3 years contract (with possible extension) 

Accompanied post  

Based in Nairobi, Kenya with regular travel around the regionHelpAge International helps older people claim their rights, challenge discrimination and overcome poverty, so that they can lead dignified, secure, active and

Save the Children Human Resource Manager Job in Mogadishu Somalia

Human Resource Manager 

South Somalia 

Team / Programme: South Central Somalia Programme

Location: Mogadishu 

Grade: 2

Type of Contract: National 

Child Safeguarding: Level 3 – the responsibilities of the post may require the post holder to have regular contact with or access to children or young people
Role Purpose:  

Manage human resources functions for the south office, support

Procurement Officer Job in Kenya

Position: Procurement Officer 

Department: Procurement Department 

Role Objective: 

The Procurement Officer assumes overall responsibility for managing pricing, rebates and relationships with suppliers in the best commercial interests of the business. 

Duties and Responsibilities 

The incumbent shall be directly accountable for: 

Controls, Policies and Procedures

Ensure that all

Front Office & Customer Service Officer Job in Kenya

Position: Front Office & Customer Service Officer 

Department: Client Relations Department 

Role Objective: The role is to provide coordination and administrative support 

Duties and Responsibilities 

Being the Front Office & Customer Service Assistant-Customer Service Department, you are directly accountable for: 

Customer Service Management

Receive & welcome all visitors into the

Fuel Transporter Petrol Station Manager Job in Juba South Sudan

A leading fuel transporter in the East African region is looking for a Petrol Station Manager for our Juba Office – Petrol Station.Job Summary / ObjectiveThe overall responsibility of ensuring the smooth operation of the Petrol Station in order to maximize sales and customer satisfaction
Duties & Responsibilities

Provide leadership to the team and mentor to ensure motivation and excellent

Administrator Job Vacancy in Kenya


Purpose and Descriptor of the Role  

This role is individually accountable for providing immediate response to administrative requirements in accordance with SLA parameters, in a processing environment. 

Technical knowledge is limited to some products and or processes.
Reporting relationships 

Reporting to: Head of Stock Broking 

Reportees: N/AKey Outputs 

The following

Warehouse Manager Job Vacancy in Kenya

Warehouse ManagerOur client is a group of Companies that has been in operation for the last 7 years with a large customer base.  

Their main role include assisting shops and restaurant to fit displays, refrigeration systems, bakery equipment and shelves and maintain the equipment under service contract thereafter.
The group consists of 2 separate entities:i) Design- handles all sourcing/

Catholic Secretariat of Mombasa Human Resource Manager Job in Kenya

Catholic Archdiocese of MombasaHuman Resource ManagerThe Catholic Secretariat of Mombasa which is the Administrative arm through which the Catholic Archdiocese of Mombasa implements and coordinates various pastoral and social programs through the Archdiocese, wishes to recruit highly competent, proactive and result-oriented individual to fill the position of a Human Resource Manager.
Purpose of

Excellent SEO Writers Jobs

Looking for Excellent SEO writers.Excellent English writing skills.Has great research skills.Can do at least a minimum of 8 articles a day with a word count of 500 words and at least 20 articles of 200 words.
Must be ready to do a sample article test.Have a computer and can access internet 24/7Must have a24/7 working phoneRemuneration: 

500 / 700words Ksh 200 

150 / 40000 words Ksh 100 

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I am looking for experienced online content writer with an access to fast speed internet.RequirementsExcellent writing skillsHigh Speed typingExceptional online research skillsExcellent command of English languageIf you meet the above and you seriously want to earn good money please send me an email plus your CV to

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Parcels of Land for Sale in Meru County

3 acres of land available in Meru. Situated off Meru - Maua highway. Suitable for farming, irrigation and/or development.

1 acre of land available in Meru. Situated off Meru - Maua highway. Suitable for farming, settlement and any other development activity. Half acre of land available in Meru. Situated off Meru - Maua highway. Quarter acre of land available in Meru. Situated off Meru - Maua

Best buy Richland Home Tri-cities WA

A home in the Tri-cities WA? Well, if you are still too young to move to the Sequim retirement community, are in need of a job and an affordable house, we may have the right home for the right buyer at the right price. Welcome to the Tri City Washington area consisting of the three cities Pasco, Kennewick & Richland which are home to about 250,000 residents.

Why the Tri-Cities WA can provide a secure future for a young family? Kiplinger rated the Tri-City area among the Top 10 best places to raise a family in 2010, and CNN/Money ranked the Tri-Citiesone of the top 10 best bets for gains in housing value, due to its relatively stable economy for the last decade.  Now in 2013, the Tri-Cities WA show a steady growth and a stable economic climate with expanding infrastructure making life in the Tri-city area convenient, comfortable & affordable.

Ready for your best buy home in WA?

This two-story 3Bd/2.5 Ba Richland home is located in the most desired South Richland neighborhood within walking distance of White Bluffs Elementary. Grocery stores, shops like Walmart & Home Depot, restaurants and medical care are a short drive away.

When entering the house, the bright & airy feeling of the house is immediately captivating with big windows & sliding glass door allowing views of the wonderful green backyard with attractive shade delivering willow tree, colorful rose bushes and even planting beds for your own veggie garden.
The center piece of the easy flow kitchen is the island cooking counter with a stylish pot rack above. Breakfast bar, large pantry, double door refrigerator & casual dining area next to the island & sliding glass door complete the kitchen setting, which opens to the bright & airy family room. Two fireplaces, great natural lighting & vaulted ceilings make for a comfortable home. Upstairs includes the master suite & additional two bedrooms & full bath. House offers a great place for formal dining with chandelier.

One of best house features of this South Richland home is its unique location facing north. This way allowing the most use of the wonderful backyard even on hot summer days or afternoons away from direct sun exposure. The added tasteful patio partition provides you with nice privacy when enjoying afternoons on back patio.

Enjoy the beautiful garden area with mature landscaping on underground Kennewick irrigation water sprinkler system & two patios in the fully fenced backyard. The safe backyard is definitely a fun place for your kids or dogs to hang out! Interested in more?
Call for viewing appointment at 509-392-7138 Make this house your new Home in Tri-Cities WA!

James DuBreuil: Managing With Respect - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Long tome manager, consultant, founder of DuBreuil Management Consulting, and author of the very hands on and results oriented book Managing With Respect: A Model for Management Success Based on Real World Experience, James DuBreuil describes how treating people with respect is foundation to a productive and engaged organization. Jim DuBreuil shares his proven Managing With Respect © model and the core principles that build trust, engagement and top performance. Jim demonstrates how the system has its basis in common sense and human decency. This alternative approach recognizes the importance of people to the organization, and that they are the true wealth of the company. With the key competencies of knowledge, communication, and organization understood and i place as support pillars for respect, people are empowered to achieve peak performance. Jim DuBreuil cautions that the principles are not ones that can simply be applied as a quick fix. Instead, they are part of lifelong learning process that builds mutual respect and trust between everyone inside and outside the organization.

James P. DuBreuil is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, August 6, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Long tome manager, consultant, founder of DuBreuil Management Consulting, and author of the very hands on and results oriented book Managing With Respect: A Model for Management Success Based on Real World Experience, James DuBreuil describes how treating people with respect is foundation to a productive and engaged organization. You will learn:

* Why respect is so important for engaging and motivating employees

* How the Managing With Respect model has respect at its very core

* How to apply the respect model to every aspect and ares of the company

* How respect based businesses have higher levels of performance

James P. DuBreuil (photo left) undergraduate and graduate studies in the United States prepared him for his teaching jobs, but as often the case, economic pressures forced him to pursue a career in business. In 1979, he began working for IBM and has built a history of successful experiences in both large and small businesses since then.

At Disney Worldwide Services, Cap Gemini America and other companies, he has held a variety of management and executive positions within traditional hierarchy and matrixed organizations alike. Data center, call center, healthcare financial operations, and education services are just some of the environments where Jim has applied his model to create significant improvement and real business value over the years.

With a passion for learning and applying common sense principles to motivating people and solving business problems, he has proven effectiveness in a variety of consulting engagements. Sharing knowledge and treating people with respect have always been a part of his success formula, and now he brings this “experiential capital” to others in a unique and valuable program.

My book review of Managing With Respect: A Model for Management Success Based on Real World Experience by James P. DuBreuil.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with long tome manager, consultant, founder of DuBreuil Management Consulting, and author of the very hands on and results oriented book Managing With Respect: A Model for Management Success Based on Real World Experience, James DuBreuil, as he describes how treating people with respect is foundation to a productive and engaged organization. Jim DuBreuil shares his proven Managing With Respect © model and the core principles that build trust, engagement and top performance. Jim demonstrates how the system has its basis in common sense and human decency. This alternative approach recognizes the importance of people to the organization, and that they are the true wealth of the company. With the key competencies of knowledge, communication, and organization understood and i place as support pillars for respect, people are empowered to achieve peak performance. Jim DuBreuil cautions that the principles are not ones that can simply be applied as a quick fix. Instead, they are part of lifelong learning process that builds mutual respect and trust between everyone inside and outside the organization on Blog Business Success Radio.

Electrician Job in Kenya - Installation of Motor Vehicle Tracking Devices (KShs 15K)

Electrician - Installation of Motor Vehicle Tracking devicesA leading vehicle tracking company is seeking vehicle tracking installation technicians to join their companyRequirements: a Diploma in Electrical Engineering and at least one year working experience in installation of Motor Vehicle Tracking devices
Main DutiesTo conduct the required pre and post inspections as per company policy

Chief Accountant Job Vacancy in Nairobi Kenya

Our client in Nairobi is looking for a well motivated candidate to fill in below position; 

Chief Accountant 


Must have a degree in business related field (finance option) and CPA (K) 

Must have at least 2 year working experience in a busy organization 

Can perform under pressure 

Must be computer literate 

Must be well conversant with quick books 

Driving skills is an

Drivers and Riders Jobs in Kenya

Our client in the courier industry is seeking to recruit drivers and riders to enhance their delivery services.Overall responsibility: Responsible for operating the Company’s motor vehicles and riders and carrying out courier functions.Qualifications for the driverDriver’s License and good driving record (class BCE) that has been renewed consistently and not more than two weeks break. 


Automated testing of Android applications, Android applications solution for Automated testing

Automated testing of Android applications, Android applications solution for Automated testing

Now we will discuss on Automated Testing of the Android Applications. As we know that Jamo Solutions gives tool that automate the Quality Testing efforts for the Mobile Applications executing on the Android Platform. Just Go through this article where Jamo Solution ask us about the automation for the Android Applications.

You Can Check for Robotium framework which embeds into Eclipse Environment for Automation Testing of Android Applications.

With the help of Ranorex we can automate mobile apps testing on real device. The Ranorex framework support the latest version of all mobile operating systems. Start automating our Android, iOS and Windows 8 app testing .

Automated testing of Android applications
Automated testing of Android applications

How to test thousands of Android devices -Challenge

How to test thousands of Android devices -Challenge

The Module of Business behind the Android Mobile Platform create huge challenges when we come to test our applications. Our applications will executes on the several hardware platform and the versions of software.

So now the question is how to set our risk management strategy when we come to choose the device to process our testing on?

Ideally our would execute our entire regression test on all the possible variations of the phone models / all android OS version / and all the vendor firmware version.

To get an idea of what you are searching at →

As of the Q3 2011 there are:
  • ~130 different HW module (Without Tablets).
  • 7 Android Platform Version: i.e. 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, and the 3.1
  • The vendors firmwares can also vary and can be updated from the time to time -a realistic assumptions would be ~2 firmware per devices.

Therefore in order to do testing all the permutation of the Android Device we are looking at the around 1900 combination:-
= 130 HW devices model x 7 SW OS version x 2 firmware)

Devices full list can be found on →

Needless to tell this is the totally impractical. No mobiles automation engineers can seriously target such a large set of devices.

Solution – Identify the relevant device factor:

Now the question is how to bring down this heavy list of lakhs of Android Devices and select a subset for the testing of all of those?

The important thing when narrowing the identify list which factor of the device might affects our applications behaviour and confirm to cover all the possible permutations of such factor. Tackling the factor instead of the device themselves activates to narrow down to a subset of the say 9 devices and give coverage for the ~90 % of the device.

Following Factors list can affect our behavior of application:
  • Screen Size: Screen side of the devices are the main concern for us, that can execute our app. So the varying of screen sizes are the the huge challenge for Android Testing. Example of Screen Sizes are as follows: HVGA (320×480), WVGA (480×800), FWVGA (480×854), QVGA (240×320) etc.
  • OS Versions of Android: Platform of Android is also changing very fastly. Actually difference of one version to another version is very high i.e. version 1.5 to 2.3 have very high differences. So this is also the very effective challenges.
  • CPU: To process the power mobile device is very sensitive. You can look phone with the single core executing at the 600 MHz to phone that have duel core 1200 Mgz

The Strategy – Combined Commonality and Edge strategy:

How to test thousands of Android devices -Challenge
How to test thousands of Android devices -Challenge

How to Install Uninstall Android apk with Batch File

How to Install Uninstall Android apk with Batch File

Let us discuss on the installation of Android Apk file by creating the batch files

Apk installation or Configuration via Batch File :-

  • Confirm that we have set the variable PATH of System
  • Now Just Open the Notepad
  • Just Type the Command abd install
  • Now Save the File
  • Just Right click on the File and Rename it to the Install.cmd
  • Now just connect our device to the System
  • Double click on the install.cmd batch files, we can look that the apk installation process has been started and then it completed initiated
  • So in order to use it regularly, We will have to maintained the same name and the path of the our apk. IF we made change the name or the path of our apk, Then it will not work.

Apk Un – Installation or un configuration via Batch File :-

  • How to Install Uninstall Android apk with Batch File
    How to Install Uninstall Android apk with Batch File
    Same as above first confirm that we have set the variable PATH of system.
  • Now Just Open the Notepad
  • Type command adb Uninstall e.g. adb uninstall com.adobe.reader
  • Save the File now
  • Just Click Right on the File and rename it to the uninstall.cmd
  • Now just connect to your devices to the System
  • Click Double on the uninstall.cmd batch files, we can look that the already install apps on the our devices is getting uninstalled

Native Apps vs HTML5 Web Apps Mobile Applications

Native Apps vs HTML5 Web Apps Mobile Applications

Developer of Mobile Apps are commonly ask to develop the app which streams video, display the fluid animation, play the music, integrate with the social media outlet like the Twitter and the Facebook and device specific integration capabilities. They are also worked with the developing the app that can operate properly regardless of which devices, platform or the OS, It is executing on. In the Multiple Cases, If the developers like to get all such requirement, they have to leverage the numbers of different technologies of the development and the environment in the addition to the obtaining of multiple SDK's and learning new scripting of language for the single OSs, causing the delay in the deployment and the increase resource expenditure.

IF HTML5 which developer is progressively getting as a remedy for the development pain and a way to successfully navigates through the extremely mobile ecosystem fragmented. Actually HTML is also the language of programming used to present the internet content in the manner that is multiple device usability. So the mostly latest version of the standard, HTML5, activates cross devices compatibility by the allowing access to the mobile content and the apps of Web through any type of internet connected devices.

What do you mean by the Mobile developer? They create one code now that is the cross device, cross platform, cross OS and the Cross browser compatible. Such Advantage like 'write once, run anywhere' make it so that developer can mitigate the requirement to the write individual code for iOS, and another specific to the Android ( And all it various OS version), and other tailored for like blackberry, and much another for like …... we get the points. This will greatly reduce the cost of the development, Testing and the rolling for new apps and the websites.

Native Apps vs HTML5 Web Apps
Native Apps vs HTML5 Web Apps

Mobile developer are starting to the favor of HTML5 as the platform of development of the select for multiple reason. Some use it because it allow the seamless integration and the interactivity with the device of mobile and its native's feature, providing the end user with a richer, more complex user environment. For an example the developer are able to exploit the device specific functionality such as the speaker, Camera, accelerometer, microphone and the LBS technology. Another likes it because it allow them to bypass the apps store approval processes. Once developer create, test and finalize their web app, they can deploy it simply through a url. After Deployment, They are able to quickly edits the web app with the feature enhancement and the issue resolve without having to go through an app store reapproval processes which outcome in delay and the large expenses – and end users can still access the updated web apps through the same URL. So Instantly deployment and not user requiring to download and installing the apps help to speed up time to market and the more important, ROI.

Great debate is there related to the development for native apps vs. HTML5 web apps. For the enterprises, the benefit of the HTML5 web app far out weigh the limitation. Assume such scenarios:

A company develop a native iPhone apps for the CRM app. After month of the solid developing and the effort of testing, they submit it to the sore of app for approval. After an additional multiple months of the correspondence and the update continuous to comply with the guidelines of Apple, The apps are finally approved. Then the Apple update their SDK which developed multiple bug, further delaying the CRM apps release. Concurrently, the company realizes that the code which activates the iPhone to interface with their core data had limitation which would take major effort and the resource to the overcome, may be even requiring a rebuild of the entire apps. And every time the enterprise wanted to add new enhancement and the funcionalities. It become time consuming and costly since they would urgently have to start the rigorous testing and development effort from the scratches. Finally the apps are approved, launched, available and is a big hit in the streamlining business processes so now, customer and employee alike are request Android and the Blackberry version of the CRM apps, requiring more time and the resource.

Input the HTML5. Development the same apps in the same environment would have produced a 'One – Size – Fit -all' web apps which would work on the iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry among other devices regardless of the operating system – getting the feel and look of a native apps across all the platform. With HTML5, Organization can quickly and easily development and release feature enhancement and fix the bug issues while activating customer to access the CRM apps as the usual – Through the URL. Gone are the day of the apps store approval, delay, large expense and resources commitment each time the organizations wanted to roll out the new or the enhanced features or the issues resolved.

As enterprise organization evolve to support more than one device platform compounded by the growing BYOD trend, Along with the cost and the resources consideration, development
employees and customers facing the HTML5 web app seem to nbe the less prohibitive options in the native apps vs. HTML5 web apps debate does not it?

Managing With Respect by James P. DuBreuil - Book review

Managing With Respect

A Model for Management Success Based on Real World Experience

By: James P. DuBreuil

Published: December 21, 2012
Format: Paperback, 164 pages
ISBN-10: 1481020757
ISBN-13: 978-1481020756
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

"Respect is the fundamental foundation that can, and should be used to support all management activities", writes long time manager, consultant, and founder of DuBreuil Management Consulting, James P. DuBreuil, in his very hands on and results oriented book Managing With Respect: A Model for Management Success Based on Real World Experience. The author describes how the concept of Management With Respect© is an objective methodology to implement in every aspect of a business.

Jim DuBreuil understands that respect is critical for every area of management; and indeed, in every part of a person's life. The author makes clear that respect should form the basis of every personal interaction. In a time when respect for others seems to be at an all time low, Jim DuBreuil provides an effective and engaging alternative set of principles. With respect for others, comes greater degrees of trust, overall involvement, and higher levels of performance. For the author, idea of Management With Respect© flows naturally from common sense and basic human decency.

James P. DuBreuil (photo left) recognizes that people are not only the most important part of an organization, but they are also the most expensive asset as well. As a result, the author makes the key point that it is simply logical to treat that valuable investment with respect to achieve success. At the same time, Jim DuBreuil makes clear that a holistic and respect based approach to management takes a lifetime to learn and master. Part of respect for others is lifelong learning of the principles and hidden dimensions of management.

The author presents the concept of Management With Respect© in a straight forward and readily format. The model is based on the following three basic foundational principles and competencies:

* Knowledge
* Communication
* Organization

For me, the power of the book is how James DuBreuil combines the solid principles of the Management With Respect© model, with the practical steps to put the methodology into effect in any organization. The present the concepts in a logical sequence, but each idea is based on the principle of respect and the competencies associated with respect. The core value of respect is the keystone that holds the entire model together.

The author delves into the various aspects of management, ranging from hiring, training, and retention to the challenging issues of harassment, ethics, and remote employees. In each case, the base of respect is provided, and the three foundational principles form the means of implementing the ideas. The author also provides two handy appendixes to add depth and study to the core principles.

I highly recommend the engaging and culture transformational book Managing With Respect: A Model for Management Success Based on Real World Experience by James P. DuBreuil, to any leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs seeking a clear and concise strategy for changing any organization to a culture based on respect. This book creates the environment for peak performance in any industry.

List of Sites for All BREW Handsets and Specs, compare phones specs, nokia phones specs, samsung phones specs

List of Sites for All BREW Handsets and Specs, compare phones specs,  nokia phones specs,  samsung phones specs. OMH (The Open Market Handset) is an initiative led by the CDMA Development Group (CDG) to increase the devices variety and offers new channel of distributions with in the CDMA ecosystems.

List of Sites for All BREW Handsets and Specs
List of Sites for All BREW Handsets and Specs

Mobile World Congress App Planet

Mobile World Congress App Planet -

From Mobile Handset to Mobile application, the innovation is leading all the way. International meet up, Conference, Seminar are executing the important role in the aligning our self with newly innovation in such area. Mobile World Congress in the Brocelona, Spain (From 14 to 17 Feb) is going to give such opportunities once more time.

Mobile World Congress 2011:-
-        Multiple session on the very hot industry subjects containing Mobile Money, Mobile Health, Embedded mobile and Mobile Advertising.
-        Mobile World Live Keynote feature visionary speaker and stream live around the global.
-        More than the 22 focused break out session, provide urgent insight on the current and the future trend impacting the ever changing mobile industries.

App Planet:-

More than the 201 Exhibitor are assumed to exhibits there applications in the MWC 2011. Apps Planet will only focus on the growth of explosive under the mobile app markets while foster direct communications between the platform owner and the developer. The apps planet programs will give opportunities to all the apps developer to interconnect and the share their idea with all.

Mobile World Congress
Mobile World Congress

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